I'm Sarin Gopalan

About Me!



My favorite book

Business @ the Speed of Thought - Bill Gates


Reading, Listening to Music, Movies, Surfing the Net, Computers, Technology, Amateur Radio, Astronomy and Blah Blah Blah...

Movies & Television

My favorite Movie is Contact. Click on BBC is my favorite TV Show.

Favorite Quote

Nothing is impossible, the word itself says 'I'm possible'! - Audrey Hepburn

3 Things I cannot live without!

My Mobile, Laptop, and Email

The Who, What & Where of Me!

I hate this scuzzy business of memoir writing...But I gotta fill this web space with something interesting yet artistic. Born on the 10th of February 1981 in Hyderabad, I am an Aquarian. According to astrology and my date of birth, my life path number is 22, which means that I have the potential to achieve enormous success, with a unique talent for manifesting ideas into reality, and as such I belong to the Master Creator class :). Going down the memory lane as soon after I was born in Hyderabad, we were in Ernakulam(Cochin)/Kerala where I did my kindergarten soon after I was age 3 may be. I remember playing in the children's traffic park there and visiting the Hotel Woodland's for a Cassata Ice Cream treat very often. When I get back from my school, I would always find my mom listening to ABBA, Boney M or some Malayalam music. Music was around me since a long time back. My mom/dad used to scold me for pulling out the magnetic tape of the cassetes when I was a tiny tot... We had moved to Palakkad(Kerala) when I was around 5 years. My growing up was loads of fun and I enjoyed every bit of it like you and me...I used to write short stories and poems at a very early age and I used to get prizes in drawing and painting competitions at school... I was always into playing games like scrabble, lego, and other building blocks and brainy kinda games than driving my way on the floor pushing a toy car....yep! but I had a toy car (a remote controlled one). You know what? I had kept it on top of the shelves in my room and forgot all about it, later to get to it I had to use the remote control (like finding a lost cordless phone) As soon as I pressed the button I could hear it pulling it's way out of something and all of a sudden like in a hollywood movie, the car jumped out of the shelves and broke into two on the floor... I like fast cars and I was able to try Go-Karting at the Fantasy Theme Park near Malampuzha Gardens(Palakkad) in Kerala. I had a couple of video games with me, Atari (those were the playstations of those days:D) and few others... Through my teenage I used to spend time reading a lot... I used to read a lot of Enid Blyton, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, Famous Five, lots more...I wouldn't spare a single edition of "Electronics for You", "Chip" and "PC Quest" magazines and others... At home we had an empty room in the ground floor behind the car shed (though my study room was on the first floor), which I called my "Lab"..where I used to be making all kinda gizmos and lots of electronics stuff like fire and infra-red burglar alarms. In school I always used to turn out top ranking in science fairs. Some of my best exhibits were an FM transmitter/station for the school that played songs through an attached sony walkman. I get fascinated when I see a fighter jet flying over my terrace. My grandpa who was in the Indian Air Force tells me that the toughest thing to ride is a bicycle and the easiest thing is to fly an aircraft. I am keenly interested in electronics and computers or technology for that matter. Infact it was my dad who kindled in me this love for technology. I was in class 2 (6 yrs) when he showed me connecting a small bulb (removed from a pen torch) and a battery with a piece of wire. I was amazed at seeing this and I took it to my room kept it on my shelf, glowing and for me that was marvelous. I kept it there till it went dimmer and dimmer...hours later... I started dabbling with computers when I was around 12. I began coding for the first time in BASIC at 15. After I finished my class 10th we moved on to Trivandrum. The best thing I loved about Trivandrum is the beautiful Kovalam beach and I miss the ham radio club and all my friends there. By the way I haven't said anything about ham radio, ham radio or amateur radio is a hobby where you can talk to your friends over a wireless rig no matter where they are, whether it be a different continent, a far away island or an astronaut on the international space station. You can even talk to your friends over a satellite built by hams. BTW I am an active ham, my call sign is VU3SGQ. Later we moved into Bangalore. Bangalore was not at all new for me as we used to visit Bangalore very often, during vacations since my childhood as part of my dad's official visits. I am also interested in rocket science to know how satellites are put into their orbit. I used to visit ABAA (Association of Bangalore Amateur Astronomers) though I was not a full time member there. They teach and help you to bulid large telescopes and reflectors with help from the Indian Institute of Astrophysics. One can visit the Nehru planetarium where they conduct regular shows on planets, satellites and galaxies. They have a good library in the basement where they meet frequently. I am also interested in SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence. They are waiting to get a signal from an ET:) with a large number of array of antennas and scanners. They even have a program called SETI@Home where you can participate to help their connected application to work on your home pc as their load is distributed across millions of online users. I joined the University of Madras, got my Bachelor Degree in Computer Science, in the meantime attained a bunch of certifications from NIIT and other institutes and here I am a professional on Microsoft Technologies (that's my most favorite platform). I did most of my courses at NIIT in Residency Road. My favorite programming language is C#. I used to visit Megabowls (bowling alley) in Airport Road to play “bowling” with my friends in the evenings…I am too good at it! My Dad retired as the Chief Manager from a leading Indian telecom company in Oct 2005 and my parents are now settled in Kerala. After working for many companies now, I am now working on my startup NowEnable!


in pictures...